Archive for the ‘Indigenous-State Relations Jan-Feb 2011’ Category

Free Knowledge Project: Indigenous-State Relations Lecture 1 Part 2.

Free Knowledge Project: Indigenous-State Relations Lecture 1 Part 1.

Dr. Michael Asch recorded at Solstice Cafe, Victoria, BC. February 14, 2011.

Indigenous-State Relations

Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution (1982) recognizes and affirms the “existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada.” In this course, we will explore the meaning of these terms with a focus on the potential impact of Canada’s recognition of “aboriginal and treaty rights” on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada.

The classes are open and free.

Solstice Café, 529 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC

Michael Asch recorded at the Solstice Cafe, Victoria, BC. February 7, 2011.

Indigenous-State Relations

Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution (1982) recognizes and affirms the “existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada.” In this course, we will explore the meaning of these terms with a focus on the potential impact of Canada’s recognition of “aboriginal and treaty rights” on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada.

Dr. Michael Asch recorded at the Solstice Cafe, January 31, 2011.

Dr. Michael Asch recorded at the Solstice Cafe, January 24, 2011.

Indigenous-State Relations
Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution (1982) recognizes and affirms the “existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada.” In this course, we will explore the meaning of these terms with a focus on the potential impact of Canada’s recognition of “aboriginal and treaty rights” on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada.

Indigenous-State Relations course, class 6/6: full lecture. Dr. Michael Asch. Recorded February 28, 2011 at Solstice Cafe in Victoria, B.C.

*click on player to download episode.

Indigenous-State Relations course. Lecture 5/6, part 2, Dr. Michael Asch. Recorded at Solstice Cafe in Victoria, B.C., February 21, 2011.

*Click on player to download episode.

Indigenous-State Relations course. Lecture 5/6, part 1, Dr. Michael Asch. Recorded at Solstice Cafe in Victoria, B.C., February 21, 2011.

*Click on player to download episode.

Indigenous-State Relations Course: Lecture 4, Part 2. Dr. Michael Asch. Recorded at Solstice Cafe in Victoria B.C., February 14, 2011. Click on the player to download the podcast.